
Was Lenin a Mushroom?

  Link in the early 1990s a spoof made for Soviet TV, persuaded some Russians that Vladimir Lenin's personality had been seriously affected by hallucinogenic mushrooms. The mushrooms in question were the deadly poisonous fly agaric fungi which the programme alleged Lenin had eaten whilst in exile in Siberia. Dina Newman has spoken to journalist Sergei Sholokhov who presented the TV spoof.   Was Lenin a Mushroom? Transcript Dina Newman: Hello, you’re listening to the Witness history podcast with me Dina Newman. Do you know who Vladimir Lenin was? A Russian politician? A communist revolutionary? All this may be true but in 1991 Russians came up with a different take on their former leader, a special program on Soviet TV claimed that Lenin was in fact a mushroom. It was the most famous hoax in the history of Soviet media and an example of just how confused many Russians became once the structures and certainties of ...

Pri la Historio de Senŝtatano - Eduardo Vivancos - the History of Anti-Statist

Pri la Historio de Senŝtatano - Eduardo Vivancos Informoj pri la gazeto Senŝtatano kaj la interilato de Esperantitstoj kun la Hispana Liberecana Movado, vivante ekzile en Francio. Teksto verkita en la jaro 1953. "Senŝtatano" estis liberecana revuo eldonita dum la jaroj 40-aj kaj 50-aj de la pasinta jarcento. La jaroj forpasas, Senŝtatano daŭre aperas malgraŭ multnombraj malfacilaĵoj kaj baroj sur sia vojo. Ekde la fino de la milito nekalkulebla kvanto da ĉiuspecaj gazetoj aperis kaj malaperis post pli malpli longa vivo, kaj dume Senŝtatano daŭre aperis kaj daŭre aperos dank' al la sola kontribuo de la legantoj. Nia gazeto troviĝas sur firma vojo, kaj nun mi konsideras oportune raporti pri ĝia deveno kaj naskiĝo, kaj pri la neimageblaj malfacilaĵoj kiuj devis esti venkitaj. Malmultaj k-doj scias pri tiuj malfacilaĵoj kaj ofte mi aŭdis riproĉojn kaj kritikojn pri neregula apero k.t.p. Sed ni iru al la celo kaj lasi la faktojn p...

War and Hell or Peace and Starvation

    I came across this short article by Eugene V. Debs. It was written in 1915 but much of it, including the peace in the USA and war in Europe, is still very timely. I sometimes feel tired of saying that when going through historical records, especially since it only seems to apply to bad things, disease, poverty, war, corruption, bigotry etc.  Debs was at the time the leader of the Socialist Party and was its pick for Presidential candidate, his opposition to American entry in the First World War and refusal to buckle to pressure led to his arrest, and he ran his last Presidential campaign from behind bars.     Published in St. Louis Labor, whole no. 578 (Aug. 14, 1915),    Because the workers have everything to lose, including their lives, and absolutely nothing to gain in war, it does not follow under the benevolent rule of capitalism that they have everything to gain and nothing to lose in peace. In Europe just now the workers have war and hell wh...

Willem Van Spronsen

  Willem Van Spronsen, 69 year old Anarchist and Anti-fascist Yesterday a man was shot and killed in the Tacoma immigrant detention centre, after attacking its transport hub in an attempt to prevent deportations. That man was Willem Van Spronsen, a 69 year old man, known as an active anti-fascist and anarchist. Last year he was in court for intervening to protect a 17 year old fellow protestor at another protest against the treatment of migrants at that facility. Conditions there, and in other facilities have only gotten worse, with them quickly becoming concentration camps for the US government to house thousands of people of all ages in deteriorating conditions. Since this is still breaking news there is some confusion about the events, early reports framed the incident as if Spronsen were trying to set fire to the whole camp, only for it come out that the use of incendiaries was against ICE vehicles. La Resistencia , a group that has organised several protests against ...